Monday, December 31, 2007

I have made some important discovery about my self, lots of them actually. Started reading books by Robert Greene called the Art of Seduction and The 48 Laws of Power. Both which talk about character and personality, and art of manipulation. To swing people to get what you want. This is done in a way that is not harmful to the people around you. Also since it is new years eve, I have no parties to go to (again) but will use this time to study and learn. Or just have fun where I can find it.

I did get invited to Vegas with some friends, would have gone, but have to be at work at 6am on New Years Day. Why am I working New Years day? So I have enough time off to be at my sisters wedding, the wench better appreciate it. No, I do love her Alot... This will be the second sibling in SLC along with my brother. Never got to know her well when growing up, as she is 6 years older than me. So this will be a good opportunity for sibling bonding.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Calendar Sharing

I finally figured out how to integrate calendar sharing from Google Calendar into Google Pages. Google Pages is where you can build a personal home page for anything you want. very simplistic and easy to use.

Google has some of the best technologies for online stuff. Eventually a friend and I are going to set up an online store through Google Pages using Google base. Google Base is similar to Ebay, though seems to be a bit more secure.

After tweaking my system a bit, I also got it to where the calendar program on my computer will download my schedule from Google Calendar, and then any changes made will send them to: so others can view them. I can also invite others, so they can make changes to the calendar(s) as well.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

How many out there fear change? I, for one am one of those people. After switching to Linux, I at first hated it, and was almost ready to go back to Windows. Then after playing with Linux for a bit, I realized how simple it is, how much more stable and better over all than Windows.

Here is a site I found that shows off all the features of linux such as: better security than windows, 3d desktop (cube you can rotate), multiple desktops ( you can have up to 20), and all the free software and applications, none of which you have to pay for as well as all the free games.

After switching to linux, I have yet to ever pay for software again. I am a gamer, so I was paying on average 50$ a month for a game. over 12 months thats 600$ a year. Now with Linux, there are literally THOUSANDS of free games. How much money will I save? A LOT. Now lets look at dvd software. I spent 89-100$ on that. Its free in linux.

Office software for Windows can cost upwards to 4-600$, well its free in Linux (Open Office is free for Windows). Paint software, free in linux. Any software you want is free, video editing, email programs, Tivo type software, desktop publishing.

Now granted, some of this software is not as nice as if it were paid for. But it is getting there, and I would rather use the free stuff than pay for it. I mean the 1000$ a year I spend on software I can use to pay for a vacation, pay loans, debts in general or invest into savings.

If people wish to remain idiots, and be dummed down, continue to pay for software. Go out and spend hundreds of dollars to make your Windows system more secure and stable, while I sit at home watching movies on my 50 inch LCD HD TV that was purchased with all the money I saved for not paying for software. I am not saying pirate it, or steal software, that is wrong. This software is obtained legally, with out breaking any copyright laws.